

How can we support you?

At South Tyneside College, we understand that every student’s situation is different, and our Student Services Team is here to support and accommodate everyone, with advice and personalised study programmes.
To help you along your college journey, our Student Services Team also support with:

  • Support with application form, progress and interview
  • Career opportunities and guidance
  • Support with CV building, personal statement writing and any prospective interviews
  • Financial, bursary and travel information
  • Progression and further study advice and support

You’ll find Student Services next to reception at the main entrance of the College on our Westoe campus.


Studying at South Tyneside College lets you invest in your future and fulfil your ambitions at good value for money. With a competitive fee structure, we offer flexible payment schemes and free financial advice from our dedicated Student Advisers from Student Services.

Everybody’s circumstances are different, which means you could also be entitled to a bursary, grant or financial support on things like course fees, essential equipment or childcare.


Your well-being is our number one priority. And no matter what your situation is, our Additional Learning Support (ALS) Team is here for you every step of the way. With support packages made just for you, we can help you learn, develop your confidence and expand your life skills.


To make sure you’re fully supported to achieve your best, all students receive a Personal Learning Plan (PLP). This is a web-based document containing personal goals, aspirations and academic achievements. You and your tutor will be able to track your PLP during your time at South Tyneside College and watch as you grow and progress.


At STC, it’s our duty to protect you. While every student’s circumstance is different, everyone should feel safe, secure, valued and respected. Whether that’s looking after those who are vulnerable or creating a good work-life balance, we make sure you’re supported in every way possible.

Close-up of African American teenage boy having a session with mental health professional at counselling centre.

Need some help?

Get in touch

Get in touch

Our team is always ready to help. So if you have questions on courses, your career, or anything else, complete this contact form and we’ll be in touch.