Not sure what you want to do with your career? Or unsure how to get there? You’re not alone. Our Careers Team and School Liaison Team are here to offer advice and guidance about studying further education, higher education and discuss which options are most suitable for you (please remember all advice and guidance is impartial).
The team can also offer you support with CV building, personal statement writing and prospective interviews. If you need advice and guidance, we’ve got you covered.
Our careers programme is reviewed termly and assessed against the Gatsby Benchmarks. Careers is also evaluated through the college Self-Assessment Report Process (SAR). Feedback from stakeholders including students, parents, employers and staff supports the review of the programme.
You’ll find our Careers Team in Student Services next to reception at the main entrance of our Westoe campus.
Careers Lead: Sandie Best
Careers Governor: George Clarke, Deputy Chair
Wondering why learning part-time, gaining better qualifications or getting a higher education certificate or diploma could benefit you? With personalised study programmes fitted around your lifestyle and support throughout your college journey, STC has lots of options that’ll help you go further in your profession, take a step towards your dream job or simply learn something new.
![A portrait of an attractive athletic young man working out outdoors](
If you’re already studying with us, you’ll enjoy an exciting and jam-packed careers programme designed to support you with your next steps.
Whether it’s straight to employment, Higher Education or an apprenticeship, our team have planned a range of events, workshops and 1-1 support to guide you towards your future goals.
If you some advice on your future plans, speak to our Student Services team about:
- CEIAG entry requirements
- Application forms
- Checking your application progress
- College interviews
- Extra college opportunities
- Training information
- University or higher education
- Careers guidance and interviews
- Financial information
- Bursary information
- Travel information
- Signposting to other service
Careers Lead: Sandie Best
Careers Governor: George Clark, Deputy Chair
*Our careers programme is reviewed termly and assessed against the Gatsby Benchmarks. Careers is also evaluated through the college Self-Assessment Report Process (SAR). Feedback from stakeholders including students, parents, employers and staff supports the review of the programme.
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- Careers one to one sessions: Every student will have impartial one-to-one sessions with a Level 6 qualified careers advisor. This will include discussions around personal interests, strengths, and aspirations, as well as more personalised support for choosing appropriate pathways.
- Careers ‘Life Skills’ Workshops: Utilise personality, skills and interest assessments to help students understand how their abilities align with various career options e.g. Personal Branding and Social Media
- Access to Labour Market Information: Ensure students are informed about the current job market, including the fastest-growing industries, job availability, and expected salaries.
- Pathway Specific Sessions: Sessions that look in more detail at specific routes such as FE progression, apprenticeships, T Levels, employment and Higher Education.
- Career Fairs: Hosting career fairs with representatives from various industries, universities, and apprenticeship providers to allow students to explore multiple career pathways, talk with employers, network, build confidence and raise aspirations.
- Support for Students with SEN: Work with the Foundation Studies Director to ensure, where appropriate, students receive the same level of support in making informed career choices.
Support for Youth College Students: Ensuring, students receive IAG, and destinations are ‘tracked’.
Ensure students in disadvantaged areas are given access to HE opportunities to encourage them to consider HE as a potential pathway.
- Ensure it promotes gender equality in sectors considered heavily male dominated.
- Connect with parents: to ensure effective communication with parents so they are able to support their young person with their ‘next steps’ decisions. We will do this with a careers bulletin at key times. This will showcase careers activity to parents, make them aware of key events such as national apprenticeship week and offer them parent and student 1-1 sessions with the careers team, similar to the secondary school model. We will also have careers stand at curriculum parents’ evenings.
- Curriculum/Personal Development collaboration: work with curriculum, work placement officers and the personal development team to ensure a cohesive approach and that their employer engagement activities are tracked and are aligned to what we offer.
- Ensure Learner Voice is captured throughout the careers cycle for any career group activity.
- HE (including T Levels where appropriate)
- Apprenticeships
- Employability (cv and skills)
- Job Search
- Introduction to Careers
- Initial intended destination capture
- Meet the expectations of the Gatsby Benchmarks
- Every student has had a minimum of one full impartial careers one to one and two additional intended destination meetings
- Every student has attended five mandatory group sessions
- Every student has been informed of added value sessions and attended at least one
- Students feel supported and informed on their next steps
- Parents are aware of the options available to their young person
- Progression rate is recorded and improved
- Student destinations are effectively tracked
- SMT receive regular reports on student progress and destination information
- The careers cycle will be reviewed at the end of each academic year
You may have had a careers interview at school and taken part in a lot of careers-related activities, but you still might be confused about your next steps. Many of your friends might know what they want to do next, which can make you feel even more unsure. These feelings are completely normal, and thousands of young people feel the same as you right now. If you need some help on what career path you should take or the school leaver courses we offer, we’ve got the information you need to point you in the right direction.
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Our team is always ready to help. So if you have questions on courses, your career, or anything else, complete this contact form and we’ll be in touch.