Safeguarding and well-being
At South Tyneside College and South Shields Marine School, it’s our duty to protect you. Every student’s well-being and safety is our number one priority, and we’re committed to offering a space for you to feel safe, secure, valued and respected – because everyone has the right to protection from all forms of abuse, neglect or exploitation. Whether that’s looking after those who are vulnerable, needing a bit of help, creating a good work-life balance, or those worried about the financial side of studying – we make sure you’re supported in every way possible.
For all things safeguarding, wellbeing and counselling – please check out our Student Hub – which is the one stop shop for all your need.

It’s our staff member’s responsibility to protect young people and vulnerable adults, and we aim to make sure all adults who may have unsupervised access to the above student groups are deemed fit to work with them.
In light of recent legislation, we also know we have a responsibility to safeguard staff and will provide clear guidelines and systems regarding staff responsibilities toward the protection of young people and vulnerable adults.
Every student is different, and their well-being is our number one priority. That’s why our Additional Learning Support Team (ALS) is here for you every step of the way. Our ALS services provide support, guidance and advice alongside your studies, and are available to everyone – even if you already receive another form of support. Whether you need a little extra help with your studies, specialist equipment, or a chat, the team is here and will create a personalised support package for you.
The kind of support we can give you includes:
- Special exam arrangements
- One-to-one support inside and outside the classroom
- Help with personal care needs
- Specialist software and equipment
- Communication Support Workers
- Qualified Teacher of the Deaf
- Assessment and support for dyslexia
- Note takers/scribes
- Maths, English and ESOL (Improve your English) support
- Personal tutor to monitor progress and assist with day-to-day queries
- Learning Support Assistants (LSA) to provide support in and out of class as needed
- Supervision over lunch, break and transport (if necessary)
- Sensory room and quiet areas within specialist provision and across the College
These are just examples, and we’re here to talk about any support that hasn’t been outlined. To discuss any support you think you’d benefit from, pop into our Learning Support Base in A104, call us on 0191 427 3500 or email
The Wellbeing Team
We are here to:
- Listen and hear you
- Help you with stress and anxiety
- Promote positive thinking and attitudes
- Support you in your programmer
- Signpost you to get the right help
- Be a point of contact for you
How to Access Our Wellbeing Service
- Speak to your lecturer for a referral
- Visit the wellbeing desk in the student services hub
- Scan the QR code on the posters around college
Common issues that are talked about include:
- anxieties about aspects of study, including exams and presentations
- general stress and anxiety
- depression
- relationship difficulties
- eating problems
- bereavements and parental separations
- loneliness
- lack of self-confidence or low self esteem
- managing transitions
- making difficult decisions
- traumatic experiences, including violence or abuse
- difficulties with alcohol or drugs
- issues around sex and sexuality
- self-injury
- suicidal thoughts
- anger management
- worries about appearance
The college counselling service is highly confidential. There are some limits to confidentiality and these are discussed with you in the first sessions. For example, risk of harm to yourself or someone else.
If you are struggling with college pressures or homelife difficulties and would like to meet with the college counsellor, please feel free to use the self-referral link found on My Student Hub, ask your lecturer for help, or scan the QR code on the posters around college.
The service is free for everyone aged 16+.
Your college counsellor is Karen Amblez.
Your time at college can be rewarding, fun and exciting but it can also be a time of stress and there may be other problems that affect your life and studies. The College Counselling Service is one of the support services which are there to help. Our qualified counsellor offers one-to-one, confidential counselling to all enrolled students and staff on any personal concerns or difficulties, whether they involve life in college or outside. There are a number of ways in which counselling can help, such as:
- Dealing with a crisis or immediate concern
- Support with longer term difficulties
- Getting access to specialist help
- Referring on to other resources
What happens in counselling?
Sessions with a counsellor usually last for fifty minutes and are held in confidence in a counselling room. Your first appointment will provide an opportunity to explore your reasons for coming and will help build a clearer picture of your needs.
STC has partnered up with Togetherall for students to join a safe, online community where people support each other anonymously to improve mental health and well-being.

Our Tyne Coast College Students’ Union representatives work across South Tyneside College, TyneMet College, South Shields Marine School and Queen Alexandra Sixth Form.
As well as providing students with social activities, the Students Union acts as an important communication link between students and the college management team. The Students’ Union elects a committee every year, made up of a President, Vice-President and numerous officers from the student body. Don’t forget you are also entitled to your NUS Totum card.
If you would like to stand for election to the Students’ Union, or you are interested in getting involved, then register your interest by emailing or speaking to Student Service at main reception.
Safeguarding Process
If you have a concern, please speak to one of our Wellbeing Advisors in the Student Services Hub or email
Call one of our Safeguarding Officers on the following number:
0191 427 3545