
BTEC Level 4 Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Creative Media Production – Film


Are you passionate about film? Have you always wanted to know the creative process of filmmaking? This Higher Education filmmaking course will teach you the practical elements of film, television, editing and cinematography. On this Higher Education course, we will teach you the skills and help you gain the confidence to progress into the film and television industry.

You will spend the year learning and developing your skills in filmmaking; but you will not just be sitting in lecturers and classrooms. Studying at South Tyneside College will give you the unique opportunity to learn while working on a variety of practical projects all aimed at teaching you a specific element of film and television making. You will have the opportunity to work with industry standard cameras from Cannon, Sony and Blackmagic Design, as well as work on professional software such as Adobe Premier Pro, Adobe After effects and Dragonframe. It does not matter if you have had no experience studying film and television previously as this course will provide you with the all the knowledge preparing you to work at a media industry standard.

Studying this course, you will achieve the Level 4 HNC (Higher National Certificate) in Creative Media Production (Film), which is the equivalent to the first year of a degree. Studying BTEC Higher Nationals is significantly cheaper than going to university but also offers the same quality of teaching and learning that you will expect to find on a HE course/programme.

The course is based around several projects throughout the year, and while we teach you the theory to give you a thorough understanding of both the film and television industry, you are assessed on your assignments and practical projects that you will undertake across the course of the year. There are lots of freelancing and work experience opportunities available throughout the year and you will have access to our facilities reserved specially for our students studying on our HNC/HND courses. You may access these outside of scheduled lessons, giving you time to work on personal projects and your assessments.

The course is delivered through a series of eight units. Units that will be taught on this course are:

  • Unit 1 – Individual Project
  • Unit 2 – Creative Media Industry
  • Unit 3 – Professional Practice
  • Unit 7 – Film Practices
  • Unit 8 – Film Studies
  • Unit 77 – Cinematography – Camera
  • Unit 26 – Film and video editing
  • Unit 27 – Storyboarding

To study on this course, you must have a level 3 Qualification in a relevant subject or three A-Levels. It is also essential that you have achieved a grade 4 (C) in GCSE English and Maths to study this programme.

Each unit is assessed through a set Assignment once teaching has taken place. These take a holistic approach and will allow you to fully apply what you have learned during the unit. Assignments consist of a mixture of written essays, presentations and practical projects including individual and group projects. All assignments are set and assessed internally by the Media team.

Students who pass this course may progress onto the BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma (HND) in Creative Media (Film), which is also delivered at South Tyneside College.

Alternatively, learners may apply and progress to University or employment.

Should you require any further information on this course please contact the course leader, Chris Thompson at Christopher.thompson@stc.ac.uk

Course fees: £6165*

UCAS Information

Course code:MTV1

Institution code:T90

Campus name: South Tyneside College

Campus code:S

*This is subject to change

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